106P – We are continually looking for a son to replace our C102 bull. 106P was sold to a commercial producer and bought back after seeing his calves on a set of crossbred cows. He is a double bred David Jr., the sire of C102. He added depth and thickness to his calves. We have retained some daughters in the herd.
396N – Eureka Chief was the high selling 18 month old bull in our 2006 SELECTION DAY Sale with 1/2 interest going to Brink Livestock, Kansas. This C102 son was out of our top producing F020 cow and a very high performing individual. Some of his first daughters were high selling open heifers in the 2006 Herd Builder Sale and some of his first male progeny placed seventh and ninth as steers in the 2007 Beef Empire Days out of 102 head.
573R was one of the high indexing yearling purebred bulls in SELECTION DAY 2006, with an interest going to Vista Genetics, Texas. A maternal brother to the 396N bull and sired by Spittin Image, his ratios were MGR 120, REA 112 and IMF 102. His daughters milk well, he is passing on positive carcass traits and is a very high growth bull. We have retained several daughters in the herd.
7205 LEGEND was the first bull in our yearling pen at SELECTION DAY 2008 with ratios of MGR 117, REA 102 and IMF 122. This Fullblood is out of Spittin Image and a one of our very best C102 cows. Half interest was purchased by 2 Bar Rockin K, Texas. Besides being made right, his offspring will eat out of your hand.
Semen Available
8018 was a top product of SELECTION DAY 2009 with ratios of MGR 109, REA 107 and IMF 100. Shown in his working clothes as a 6 yr. old in a cow pasture in Alabama, he is making his mark in our Fullblood herd with several sons indexing at the top of their contemporary groups.
Owned with Bean Cattle Company, AL. Semen Available.
28P was a product of SELECTION DAY 2006, with half interest going to Franken Farm, Missouri. With a REA ratio of 104, IMF of 122, a 60 lb. birth wt with a 668 lb. weaning wt., he has proven his worth in siring polled, high performing cattle.
126L is a Fullblood Sambo 605 X Sampson 629 bull that we bred with Franken Farm, Missouri. He was purchased and proven by Breshears Farm and Keith and Keith Braunvieh, Missouri, with alot of daughters in production today. We were able to purchase an interest back in this bull and used him to multiply both our growth and carcass traits.
440P is one of the few bulls that we sold off the cow. A Fullblood bull that we sold to Breshears Farm, Missouri and were allowed to purchase him back as an 8 year old. His sire is a maternal brother to both DEPTHCHARGE and BOXCAR and he can make fullbloods as well as any of them.
A518R was the high selling yearling bull in our 2006 SELECTION DAY Sale, going to Bodine Bros., North Dakota. As a yearling, this double polled son of Polled Plus had a 123 growth index, 112 ribeye ratio and a 100 IMF ratio with a birth wt. of 74 lb. His calves are born easy with a small birth wt. and most of them are polled.
F020 is our high maternal herdsire. His daughters will go a long ways towards building a top cowherd for anyone. His sons and daughters both ultrasound towards the top of their contemporary groups in ribeye and carcass weight numbers. His daughters are working very well in our herd as well as several Purebred herds around the country.